Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Recommended Summer Reading - 'Blazing Figures: A Life of Robert Markle'

Sunday, July 18, 2010
A Day-trip to Ontario's Largest Sand Pile

Monday, July 12, 2010
American Graffiti at the Mammoth Caves

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Hosting a Lawn Sale is a Great Way to Get to Know Your Community

A guest heading to a neighbour's backyard brought to our attention that our yard sale had become a yearly tradition, coinciding with the birthday party he was headed to. Well, I guess after three years we officially reserve the last weekend in June for the Demerling Yard Sale.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Canadian Redneck Games in Minto this Weekend

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Pick Strawberries with Your Dad this Father's Day

This morning, after a visit to the Brantford Farmer's Market, we went strawberry picking at Sunny Terrace Farms, along Salt Springs Church Road just outside of town. The road winds along the Grand River to an expansive strawberry patch, where we picked three flats (18 pints?) of strawberries for just $30.00, roughly half the price if you buy them already gathered. I usually have found some excuse for missing berry picking, yet have never felt guilty enjoying the fruits of my family's labour! It was a great way to spend an hour with my family, and I highly recommend strawberry picking as a Father's Day event!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wellington County's First Electric Car

When I remember my dad this weekend, one of the memories that comes to mind is the electric car he built for me in the basement of our house in Clifford, Ontario. My dad, Wayne Demerling, was an automobile mechanic by trade, the old school kind that knew how to fix things. His skills were learned on the shop floor of Demerling's Garage, founded by his dad Eldon in 1939, and still in operation today by grandson Terry.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
BP (Better Practices) in Our Use of Petroleum Products

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Going Full Tilt into Community Carnival Season

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
A Cow Can Be Your Friend on Twitter

Monday, March 22, 2010
Hamilton Plays Itself in Woody Harrelson Film

Saturday, March 20, 2010
The Stables Deliver a Shotgun Set at Brantford Concert

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Little House on the Prairie - A Lesson in Community Development

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
South Side of Colborne Street Brantford Saved!

As the demolition of 41 buildings along a three block stretch of Colborne street in Brantford draws nearer, the 1,600 followers of the Facebook site Save the South Side of Colborne Street need to be congratulated for their determination. Although they won't change the minds of City Council or stop the bulldozers, they have through their tireless advocacy 'saved' the south side.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Learning Through the Arts Creates Recycled Fashions in Niagara Region Schools

Niagara Region artist Angie Geiss, through her In the Orchard art program, has found a way to keep discarded clothing from the dumpster. In partnership with Niagara schools and Salvation Army thrift stores, Geiss works with students to create wearable, recycled fashions, according to this article in the St. Catharines Standard. Jeans, sweaters, shoes, scarves, handbags and much more are transformed under the guidance of area artists as part of this innovative program. Look for this Learning Through the Arts Initiative, with support from the Ontario Arts Council, to be exhibited in the Niagara Region soon.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Art or Trash? Art Bin Defines Creative Recycling

Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Wisdom of Friedrich Nietzsche

- All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.
- We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh.
- Glance into the world just as though time were gone: and everything crooked will become straight to you.
- He who cannot give anything cannot feel anything either.
- He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.
- He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.
- In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play.
- One ought to hold on to one's heart; for if one lets it go, one soon loses control of the head too.
- All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
- Art is the proper task of life.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Authentic Theatre Chairs

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Cambridge Artist Sue Sturdy to Blanket Grand River Bridge

This summer, look for an innovative public art project spanning the Grand River in downtown Cambridge. Artist Sue Sturdy, as reported in this Hamilton Spectator article with photograph by Peter Lee, plans to knit a huge blanket which she will drape over both sides of the Main Street bridge in old Galt. She will be assisted by members of the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters Guild and community members, who will contribute blocks that will be knitted into the 'bridge cosy'.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Will Demolishing Downtown Brantford be a Costly Mistake?

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Fans Mark 30 Years Since Bon Scott's Death

"I ain't too old to die," Bon Scott once sang, "but I sure am hard to beat."
He'll get no argument here. Or from the millions of AC/DC fans marking the 30th anniversary of the inimitable singer's tragic death this week on Friday.
On Feb. 19, 1980, the Scottish born singer had everything to live for. After years of struggling, he and the rest of the Australian rock crew -- guitarists Angus and Malcolm Young, bassist Cliff Williams and drummer Phil Rudd -- were finally enjoying the fruits of their labour
Their sixth album, Highway to Hell, produced by Mutt Lange, had finally pushed the underground heroes into the mainstream, going platinum in North America. Propelled by Scott's winkingly lascivious lyrics and leering screech, tracks such as Girls Got Rhythm, Walk All Over You, Touch Too Much and If You Want Blood (You Got it) were earning a place next to AC/DC's early classics such as Sin City, High Voltage, T.N.T., Let There Be Rock and Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.
They had slowly expanded their fan base by slogging it out on lengthy North American tours opening for Aerosmith and KISS, where Angus' schoolboy togs and hyperactive stage presence -- a contrast to Scott's bare-chested swagger and rooster-like strut -- made a memorable impression. Scott felt their next album, the band later said, would be "the crowning glory of his life."
So, when the newly minted 33-year-old rock star hit the town on Feb. 18, the night before he was due back in the studio with the band, he was in a celebratory mood. At a London club called The Music Machine, he spent the evening downing quadruple whiskeys with several friends, one of whom drove the passed-out Scott home that night and left him to sleep it off in the car. He never woke up. The next day, his friend discovered his lifeless body still in the vehicle. He had died from acute alcohol poisoning. Death by misadventure, the coroner ruled. Ten days later, Scott -- clad in his trademark jeans and white T-shirt-- was cremated in Australia, marking the final chapter in his journey.
But it was just the beginning for AC/DC. Within weeks, the band had regrouped and risen from the ashes, hiring singer Brian Johnson and heading into the studio to make Back in Black, the album that would serve both as a tribute to Scott and the cornerstone of the global success they enjoy to this day. But for many fans, AC/DC still isn't the same without Scott.
With that in mind, we threw together this little lyrical quiz to sing his praises. See if you can match Scott's words to the songs. And remember: It's still a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll.
1. Gettin' robbed, gettin' stoned / Gettin' beat up, broken boned
2. You can stick your nine to five livin' / And your collar and your tie / And stick your moral standards / 'Cause it's all a dirty lie
3. I'm as cool as a body on ice / Or hotter than a rollin' dice
4. Lock up your daughter, lock up your wife / Lock up your back door and run for your life
5. You ask me why I like to play / I got to get my kicks some way
6. I didn't know if you were legal tender / But I spent you just the same
7. Got slicked-back hair, skin tight jeans / Cadillac car and a teenage dream
8. I am hot / And when I'm not, I'm cold as ice
9. I ain't too old to die / But I sure am hard to beat
10. It's a eye for eye, tooth for tooth / It's a lie, that's the truth
11. The white man had the shmaltz / The black man had the blues / No one knew what they was gonna do / But Tchaikovsky had the news
12. On the day I was born the rain fell down / There was trouble brewing in my home town
13. She pours my beer, licks my ear / Brings out the devil in me
14. I got myself a Cadillac / But I can't afford the gasoline
15. Now I'm the kind of guy that keeps his big mouth shut / It don't bother me / Somebody
16. Diamonds and dust / Poor man last, rich man first / Lamborghinis, caviar / Dry martinis, Shangri-la
17. I tied my baby to the railroad track / Cannonball down the line / Givin' that woman just one more chance to give it to me one more time
18. Feel the pressure rise / Hear the whistle blow / Bought a ticket of her own accord to I dunno
19. Hey Satan, paid my dues / Playing in a rocking band / Hey Momma, look at me I'm on my way to the promised land
20. Love me till I'm legless / Aching and sore / Enough to stop a freight train / Or start the Third World War
21. No one's gonna warn you / And no one's gonna yell 'Attack' / And you don't feel the steel / Till it's hanging out your back
22. All the cards were comin' from the bottom of the pack / And if I'd known what she was dealin' out, I'd have dealt it back
23. You had my picture on your bedroom wall next to Gary Glitter, I was standin' on the stage playing rock 'n' roll / I was a guitar picker
24. For a fee I'll be happy to be / Your back door man
25. She ain't exactly pretty, ain't exactly small / 42, 39, 56 -- You could say she's got it all
A. What's Next to the Moon
B. Problem Child
C. Rock 'n'Roll Singer
D. Little Lover
E. Down Payment Blues
F. High Voltage
G. It's a Long Way to theTop (If You Wanna Rock 'n' Roll)
H. Let There be Rock
I. Girls Got Rhythm
J. Whole Lotta Rosie
K. Riff Raff
L. Rocker
M. Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be
N. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
O. Highway to Hell
P. Live Wire
Q. Sin City
R. The Jack S.T.N.T.
T. Gone Shootin'
U. Love at First Feel
V. Dog Eat Dog
W. Night Prowler
X. Ride On
Y. Bad Boy Boogie
1-G; 2-C; 3-P; 4-S; 5-F; 6-U; 7-L; 8-B; 9-X; 10-V; 11-H; 12-Y; 13-M; 14-E; 15-K; 16-Q; 17-A; 18-T; 19-O; 20-I; 21-W; 22-R; 23-D; 24-N; 25-J
1-10 = Riff Raff
11-20 = Problem Child
20-25 = Rocker
How did you rate?
Monday, February 15, 2010
Celebrating Our Past on Family Day
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Baby Steps or Blockbusters?
Turning Ideas Into Practice: Solutions for Attracting the Creative Class

The Brantford Arts Block continues to take a leadership role in the promotion of redeveloping Brantford as a 'creative' city. On March 5th and 6th the Arts Block has organized a series of workshops, speakers and brainstorming sessions under the banner 'Turning Ideas Into Practice', to be held at the downtown (wouldn't this be a great site for expanded creative industry use?) Market Square. Read the Brantford Expositor story about the upcoming session, and contact the Brantford Arts Block for all the registration information. This is a great opportunity for leaders from other communities to participate in the sharing of strategies and support.
Monday, February 8, 2010
South Side Stories

- An active Facebook group, Save the Southside of Colborne Street, where there are many excellent discussions and links to documents that investigate the debate of restoration versus demolition;
- An article by Christopher Hume, Brantford Aims Wrecking Ball at its Future, in today's edition of The Toronto Star;
- A link to many, many articles in The Brantford Expositor that document the downtown Brantford expropriation process.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Buddy Holly Meets the StereoKid

Thursday, February 4, 2010
How is Your Museum Responding to Tough Economic Times?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Studios at Hotel Hamilton
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sweet and Sour

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Canadian Films on the Screen in Your Community

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Cozy Up With a Canadian Film this Winter

Last weekend the busy awards season was launched with the Golden Globes. As you find yourself inundated in the next two months with the relentless marketing of overblown Hollywood movie product, seek out a Canadian film.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Wilfrid Laurier Campus Helps Revitalize Brantford's Core

Monday, January 11, 2010
Thomas Jefferson's Ten Vital Principles to Live By

I just came across a slip of paper (source unknown) that lists 10 vial principles to live by, included in Thomas Jefferson's "Decalogue of Canons for observation in practical life."
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Helping to Preserve the Planet - From Beneath the Kitchen Sink

This time of year we all make promises that we will, in some profound way, make the world a better place. I realize my limited capabilities, but the one thing I try to do is reduce my impact on our local landfill. For years, beneath my kitchen sink, I've saved almost every bread tab, can pull, and elastic band, in a series of plastic peanut butter jars. In our home it takes about two years, sometimes less, to fill a 1 kilogram container. Imagine what a small city's worth of 1 kg containers might look like? Twenty-five thousand stacked peanut butter jars would tower 2 1/2 miles into the sky!

Friday, January 8, 2010
Holiday Season Extended to February 15th

Now that we are comfortably into 2010, many of you have already packed away Christmas and kicked your tree to the curb. What's the rush? In Canada, the new official Boxing Day (in our house anyway) is Family Day, the third Monday in February. So set February 15th aside for taking down the tinsel and tree, and enjoy an extended Holiday Season.