We all spend too much of our short lives pretending to be something we are not. But in the Town of Minto (the amalgamated Clifford, Harriston and Palmerston) citizens have embraced their perceived identity and created the Canadian Redneck Games - pig's feet, toilet seats, et al.
A series of tourism strategy focus groups back in 2005 suggested that a community weakness was a 'redneck' identity. Community leaders promptly squeezed that lemon to produce this annual festival. Weekend events include the 'Mudpit Belly Flop', 'Bobbin' for Pig's Feet', and 'Redneck Horseshoes' - this might be where the toilet seats come in. There is even a 'Redneck Wedding' at 5 p.m Saturday.
I don't know how current Minto residents feel (I'd like to hear your thoughts) about being the adopted Hillbilly Capital of Canada, but I don't recall 'redneck' being a part of the vernacular when I grew up in Clifford. But then again I was 10 years out of town by the time Jeff Foxworthy released his best selling 'You Might be a Redneck if...' comedy album in 1993. As young persons we certainly fit the Town of Minto redneck criteria - 'we lived in a rural area, worked hard for our money, and enjoyed a good time.'
I won't be revisiting my redneck roots this June 25-27, but if you have a chance take a drive to Clifford, Harriston and Palmerston to check out what these great little communities, pig's feet and all, have to offer. And be sure to wear your best cutoffs.