Friday, November 20, 2009

Funding for Rural Ontario Organizations

Your rural Ontario organization may be eligible for funding to assist with:
  • Skills Development
  • Hiring Interns
  • Business Development
  • Local Initiatives Projects
  • Community Capacity Projects
Local Initiative and Community Capacity activities include research, marketing and promotion, tourism related events, seminars and workshops, and small-scale capital projects that assist to strengthen your community.

Eligible expenses include marketing, advertising and equipment. Consulting and professional fees are also eligible.

Non-profit organizations can apply for up to 100% of eligible costs.

This is a time sensitive program, so I would advise contacting your local Community Futures Development Corporation to determine if your project is eligible.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Blowin' in the Wind

You may have noticed a news story today about a Pennsylvania woman who has been asked to stop hanging her laundry on the line. Apparently this public display 'annoys' local officials, and there is rising opposition among housing associations in the US against drying clothes naturally. I think there is something very humanizing about hanging laundry - the act itself and looking out upon backyards alive with flapping fabric. Take a drive through the countryside and marvel at the miles of sheets and shirts hanging at Mennonite farms.

How impressive this would be if we all returned to Monday as the designated wash day!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Outdoor Rinks - Coming Soon!

Many communities have incorporated outdoor ice rinks into their downtown development plans. Plans are underway for rinks in Grimsby, Niagara Falls and St. Catharines. We have a rink, located in the Brantford's Harmony Square. Does your town have an outdoor rink?

Can't wait to lace up the skates!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Autumn Soundtrack

I'm probably the last one on my street to put my leaves to the curb, but in doing so today it got me thinking of a few fall (related) songs by great Canadian artists. In no particular order ...

Almost a Full Moon Hawksley Workman

Cold Hearted Wind Ron Sexsmith

The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald Gordon Lightfoot

Fallen Leaves Billy Talent

How I Spent My Fall Vacation Bruce Cockburn

Harvest Moon Neil Young

King Harvest The Band

Summer Dream, Winter Sleep Willie P. Bennett

Seek and enjoy!