Thursday, December 10, 2009

Holstein Non-motorized Christmas Parade

Our family is looking forward to attending the Holstein non-motorized Christmas Parade this Saturday in this tiny village, just east of Highway 6 between Mount Forest and Durham. The parade starts at 1 p.m.

What a novel, eco-friendly idea! The irony is that we likely won't be the only family driving to the country in our SUV's
to watch the parade.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Keep Calm and Carry On

As we become immersed in the frenzy of the Holidays, heed the advice of this simple message. Created to help bolster the spirits of Britain's citizenry in the event of a Second World War invasion, its' simplicity rings even more true today.

Keep Calm and Carry On is available in a variety of colours and formats, including posters, mugs and magnets. I found mine (a perfect gift for my Mom) at the Art Gallery of Hamilton shop.